Green Energy has been defined now as "Clean Nature Friendly Energy" not based on oil since the pollution round the World has caused much sufferings to the very same people who are producing electricity from the use of Oil.

We at CIEL, have undertaken the responsibility to awaken the various peoples of the World by new technologies which if adopted may change the face of the World to a better, healthier and more quiet societies. We may be talking about the generation of Energy from water – Based production of Hydrogen on Demand equaling to the megawatt energy required at a specific time. Thus reducing both direct and indirect costs of production which will eventually be reflected positively on the Consumer. Thorium 228, 229 & 230 is another solution to produce 100% Green Energy similar to the water replacing OIL.

The future of Transportation – Frictionless Vehicles and Binary Power will define Transportation in the World Ahead. The Flying Car Era, The Frictionless Vehicles, Fully Automated Navigation Systems, Directional Layering of Airspace, Low Impact Vertical Take-off, Convenient Fly-Drive Capability, Silent Engines and Specialized Safety Systems