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FDA ESG Digital Certificates Secure Electronic Submission to the FDA

Compliant Digital Certificates from GlobalSign

Digital Certificates are now required for submitting electronic documentation to the FDA Electronic Submissions Gateway.

Digital Certificates for use with the FDA are used to encrypt documents in transmission and the FDA ESG uses the digital certificate to verify the integrity of the document received from a specified source.

The minimum requirement for a digital certificate for use with the FDA Electronic Submissions Gateway is a Class 1 Personal Identification Certificate which GlobalSign brands as PersonalSign1 Certificate. GlobalSign also offers a higher level security certificate (PersonalSign2 Pro) that binds to the individual's name, company name, and email.

Features PersonalSign 1 PersonalSign 2 Pro Class: Support: Digital Certificate
binds to
Pricing 1 year: Pricing 2 year: Pricing 3 year: Class 1 No support
Online Knoledge Base Only
Email Address only
$ 30 - $ 60 Class 2 email, online & live chat Email address, individual identity
& company identity (Joe Smith,
Abc Company,
$ 90 $ 120 $ 150

Ordering Multiple Certificates?

Save time - order all certificates under one account. 1. Place first/initial order via the GlobalSign website. 2. An account will be created on your behalf and your account credentials will be emailed to you. 3. Once you've received your account credentials, login to your account using your username (PARxxxxx) and click on the 3rd tab labeled "PersonalSign" and order additional certificates from the left hand menu under "New Certificate".

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Steps to Preparing your Certificate for the FDA ESG

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